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LN – Duplicate Navigation License


If you have lost your Navigation License, and you have taken the course at EscolaPort, you can request a duplicate.

Complete the order and in a week you can come to pick up your Navigation License at the school.

If you have lost or damaged your Navigation License, request a duplicate from the nautical school.

If what you need is to renew the Titulín (Federal Authorization) you must carry out 4 hours of navigation practices.

Remember that with your Navigation License you can navigate by day in motorized or sailing boats up to 6 meters in length within a radius of 2 nautical miles from a port, marina or place of shelter. You can also take any type of jet ski with no power limit.

If you cannot come to pick up your license, you can contract the shipment and if you're in a hurry, you can include the express delivery to have it in 3 days.

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