

In the PER on Board course you will enjoy five days sailing through the Catalan Mediterranean and the Balearic Islands.

The most popular nautical courses

Featured offer

navigation license

You will learn to navigate safely in a very fast, easy course without an exam.

With your Navigation License you can navigate on boats up to 6 m and jet skis, up to 2 nautical miles (± 4 km) from the port.

Navigation license courses - LN practices during the week - EscolaPort - Barcelona
Featured offer


Nautical Medical Certificate

4 centers in Barcelona. With out PRIVIOUSE appointment.
Complete your order and we will send you an email that you must present at the health center so that they can perform the tests.

Nautical medical certificate, special price for EscolaPort students in Barcelona

Free training

Since 2014 Escola Port has offered free online courses from the web

Social exclusion

We want to give the same opportunities to all citizens and that those who have an economic situation that does not allow them to enter the nautical sector can access it.

Commitment to youth

We collaborate with Carnet Jove to facilitate access to sailing for young people from 16 years old.

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